Monique has published several books which draw on her own experience to explore issues of healing from childhood abuse:


HOPE: An Evolving Story will be released in June 2024. A hardback compendium, it contains four of Monique’s books and four full albums of songs.



Fragments of Home: Piecing Life Together after Childhood Sexual Abuse was published by Acorn Press in 2010.




Keeping Mum: The Silent Cost of Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse was published by Living Hope Resources in 2017 as the sequel to Fragments of Home.




Inch by Inch: Finding a Home within My Skin is the third title in Monique Lisbon’s evolving story of hope and was released in 2020. An Enhanced Edition was released in 2023.




The first edition of Leaving My GPS Behind: Lessons I Need to Learn was written in 2009 for private distribution, with a second edition published by Mono Unlimited in 2013.




Juvenilia: To Hear and Speak the Unknown contains poetry and prose from Monique’s early years.




Matching Baggage: Sharing the Load in Love explores Monique’s relationship journey over a lifetime.